Character: Samantha Stafford, Professor of English, 38
STAFFORD: Leave! Go! Exit! Vamoose! Do you think we have a future here? Do you think the fact that we had sex means I love you, or like you, or accept your existence? I can’t even look at you. You sicken and revolt me. You make me think of everything I hate about men, students, teachers, the world, myself...
I regret last night more than you can possibly imagine. More than any night has been regretted I regret last night. If deus popped out of the machina right now, and gave me a voucher for one trip into the past, can you guess what I’d do with it? The library at Alexendria would burn, every volume unsalvaged. Little Adolf would lie safe, unstrangled in his crib. The name of the Dark Lady would remain a mystery, as would the true origins of the universe, because I’d be, at this moment, rocketing back one day and preventing myself from sleeping with you!