"PESSIMISTIC OPTIMISM" by Jason Aaron Goldberg

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Author: Jason Aaron Goldberg

Ten Minute Plays:

  • ALL 49 STATES - When California falls into the ocean after "the big one", new president Jenna Bush devises a plan to reborder the United States. (1M, 3F)
  • BLACK & DECKER - As two best friends prepare for a Halloween party they are visited by Death, who is taking a break on one of his busiest days. (3M)
  • DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY - In the adult film world everyone has to audition. The young lady in today's audition used to have an addition, if you get my drift.. (2M, 2F)
  • LOVE IN THE TIME OF BAILOUT - An under-achieving cubicle dweller is fired by his unfaithful and pregnant executive wife, and she needs him gone to finish embezzling millions before the day is out. (2M, 2F)
  • RESERVATIONS - A young married couple stuck in traffic discover that their happiness may be an illusion. (1M, 1F)
  • REVERSED CURSE - It's game 7 of the 2004 ALCS, and Yankees fan Casey wants to propose to Red Sox fan Rhonda, if only her dad would butt-out.. (1M, 1F)


  • POMEGRANATE - A daycare professional has a one-on-one with some wealthy parents. (1F)
  • PIZZA BOY - A former Wall Street banker has a tough time with his new gig. (1M)
  • SHRINK ME - A soon to be father is having trouble adjusting to the idea of having a daughter. (1M)
  • YOU'RE FIRED! - A sub-par employee gets the axe. (1M)
  • MAN UP! - A football coach lays into his team at halftime. Who cares if they're only nine. (1M)





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