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   Author:  Michael Weems

  • SNIP - Did your last vacation include lying to your wife about an unsafely performed medical procedure? Did it involve your high level of intoxication and sheer disregard for body, family, health, and future? Did it really, really hurt for a week afterwards? No? Ted's did. Ted's got some explaining to do. (1M, 1F)

  • GOOD TALK - Every father dreads the day of ‘the big talk’ with his son.  What happens when the son has a few secrets to reveal to dear old dad?  (2M)

  • WHERE THE TRUTH LIES - An urban legend has come true. There once was a tale of a mysterious man, an enigma who turned men's lives upside down. They would lose sleep, gain weight, and find hair mysteriously gone white. He is... 'The Baby Maker' – natural ally to the ticking clocks of women and nemesis to modern man. Today, he's been spotted. Hide your wives...  (4M, 1F)

  • FUZZY RED HAT - While most families are putting up the last stocking on Christmas Eve – Joe's night finds him in a rundown mall – attempting to convince Santa to reconsider his daughter's selfless Christmas wish. What do you do when 'Santa' is the one needing an infusion of holiday spirit(s)?  (2M, 1F)

  • BOOK OF LOVE - Tara is a love machine. Tara is a love machine with a penchant for taking detailed notes immediately after her encounters. Tara is a love machine who is going to have that baby whether her hubby, Will, wants it or not. Tara is a love machine that's gone a little haywire and with only one route back to reality - Will.  (1M, 1F)



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