Kind words for Sheila Callaghan:
"...deliciously zany humor and surreal aesthetic... [Callaghan's] brilliant." -The Washington Post
"[Callaghan's] a gutsy writer with a gift for creating vivid images rooted in the emotional life of her characters." - The New York Times
"Callaghan is a sensuous writer, interested in texture, sound, shape." - Village Voice
"Crafty, eccentric, spikily poetic..." - The Washington Post
"[Sheila Callaghan's] flair for writing modern poetic prose cannot be topped. It is the most striking language I have heard on a stage in a long while."
"Callaghan has a keen sense of language as an act of aggression... compelling." -LA Times
"Mind-blowing images and soul-crushing language flowing wildly." -Backstage
"Fleet, funny and smart." -Center Stage Chicago