Character: JEN, Mid thirties. Brett’s fed up wife. Frustrated by her failed dreams of family, she turns to alcohol for comfort.
JEN: All you know how to do is criticize. Just criticizing everything and everyone you see all day, every day. Well, I've been enduring your crap now since I was an innocent little girl. And I've grown tired of it. The men I've dated, the clothes I wear, the jobs I work, the babies I don't have. I just wanted to have a grandmother who would let me be who I am, and love me for who I am. Instead, I got you. An old, lonely, washed up critic. A broken down know it all with no one around in her life but people waiting for her to croak already so they can get at her money. So don't critique me. Because you're just as fucked up as all the rest of us. You may be even more fucked up than that suck up, spineless sister of mine who's been working you over ever since she convinced you to write that will. It's time you learned how I really feel about you, you lizard. It's time you all learned. Because I'm through being the doormat in this family. So take me off your will Grandma. Because I don't give a shit about your goddamn house. Living in this dump would only be a reminder of all the shit I've endured from you throughout the years. So I'm begging you to do it. So I never have to see your heartless, diabolical, wrinkly little face ever a-fucking-gain!