Your Price: $12.45

Author:  Chris Cragin

Synopsis: This play is about a rose gardener named JOHNNY who has been tragically discarded by the only man she ever loved.  As she searches for healing and renewal, it is her love of nature which she rediscovers in the beauty of the desert, in her beloved animals, and finally through the earth’s blessing of rain that gives her the strength to allow the inescapable and painful changes in her life to take their course. The set should be very minimal, the more that can be communicated through lights and sound the better.  The location on stage shifts between a desert in Arizona, where JOHNNY and WILL lived for the first part of their marriage, a rose garden and home in Nashville, Tennessee, where they have lived since, and a small town in Arkansas, where JOHNNY was raised and where her mother still lives.  Time is the present.

Cast Size:  1 Male, 3 Females

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