Author: Erica Griffin
Two One Act Plays
1 Male, 2 Females
Synopsis: Catch (30's), an aspiring musician, in playing in a cover band in Boulder City, Nevada. When a strange but beautiful, and very drunk young groupie named Alice (20's) brings him home to an off-road shack near the base of Hoover Dam, Catch suddenly finds himself caught in a strange reality... a reality where a mentally retarded girl named Daphne (20's) is routinely abused by her sister Alice in order to make sense of their parents incestuous love affair and double suicides. Catch faces his own insecurities as his passion for Alice fizzles and his compassion for Daphne grows.
2 Males, 1 Female
Synopsis: Mavis (40's), an artist, has almost finished her nude portrait of Riot (20's), a model, in her Las Vegas garage/art studio, but has run into a problem now that he has disrobed completely. When she calls her son Lyle (20's), who works in the costume shop at UNLV, in for a second opinion, Lyle is instantly attracted to Riot. Of course Lyle hasn't taken his meds, and when Mavis wants to go out and celebrate with Riot, Lyle's attraction takes a fatal turn... he comes up with an artistic solution of his own.
*These plays can be produced on one simple set.
Cast Size: Various